The following list was compiled by Worachate Boonplod.
All dates and magnitudes are approximate.

Please note the following:
* 45P will be at the far side and likely too faint to be seen but is included here just in case.
* Predicted magnitude of C/2021 O3 (PANSTARRS) looks good but it is faint in terms of absolute magnitude, so there is a chance of disintegration.
Jan04-Jan13 |
Jan19-Jan26 |
Jan27-Feb13 |
Feb23-Mar15 |
Mar05-Mar21 |
Mar17-Mar30 |
Mar26-Apr10 |
Apr01-Apr26 |
Apr26-May13 |
May16-May27 |
Jul08-Aug04 |
Jul10-Jul23 |
Sept19-Sept27 |
Sept22-Nov23 |
Oct27-Nov22 |
Feb02-Feb06 |
Mar03-Mar07 |
Mar11-Mar15 |
Apr01-Apr04 |
Apr13-Apr18 |
May03-May07 |
May20-May22 |
Jul15-Jul18 |
Oct16-Oct29 |
Nov06-Nov11 |
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