October 2023 Confirmations

These are confirmations for October 2023, plus a couple of other reports that I had missed.

Soho#  Date/Time of Post  Discoverer     Tel     Group   Images of...
xc100 Sep02,22 08:13:51   Z.Yang         C2      Kreutz  Apr29,97
4886* Sep30,23 10:54pm    W.Boonplod     C3      Kreutz  Oct01,23
4887* Oct02,23 06:42pm    R.Pickard     C3,C2    Kreutz  Oct03-04,23
4888  Oct05,23 10:53:21   J.Ruan        C3,C2    Kreutz  Oct05-06,23
xc101 Oct06,23 10:51:27   Z.Yang         C2      Kreutz  Oct06,23
4889  Oct07,23 04:09:27   S.Liwo        C3,C2    NonGrp  Oct07,23
4890  Oct07,23 19:54:29   J.Ruan        C3,C2    Kreutz  Oct07-08,23
4891  Oct08,23 17:53:14   R.Pickard    C3,C2,C2A Kreutz  Oct08-10,23
4892  Oct09,23 10:54:42   J.Ruan        C3,C2    Kreutz  Oct09,23
4893  Oct10,23 08:48:57   T.Prestgard     C2     Kreutz  Oct10,23
4894  Oct10,23 20:16:26   J.Ruan        C3,C2    Kreutz  Oct10-11,23
4895  Oct12,23 05:20:15   J.Ruan        C3,C2    Kreutz  Oct12-13,23
4896  Oct13,23 18:27:31   J.Ruan        C3,C2    Kreutz  Oct13-14,23
4897  Oct15,23 00:08:41   J.Ruan          C2     Kreutz  Oct15,23
4898  Oct15,23 04:00:06   J.Ruan          C2     Kreutz  Oct15,23
4899  Oct16,23 10:16:31   Z.Yang          C2     Kreutz  Oct16,23
4900  Oct16,23 16:29:41   R.Pickard     C3,C2    Kreutz  Oct16-17,23
4901  Oct21,23 21:27:04   J.Ruan          C2     NonGrp  Oct21,23
4902  Oct22,23 05:31:25   Z.Yang          C2     Kreutz  Oct22,23
4903  Oct23,23 15:45:00   W.Boonplod      C2     NonGrp  Oct23,23
4904  Oct23,23 16:01:45   R.Pickard       C2     NonGrp  Oct23,23
4905  Oct23,23 16:06:13   H.Tan           C2     Kreutz  Oct23,23
4906  Oct24,23 10:07:09   Z.Yang          C2     Kreutz  Oct24,23
4907  Oct25,23 02:30:56   J.Ruan          C2     Kreutz  Oct25,23
4908  Oct26,23 22:24:24   Z.Xu            C2     Kreutz  Oct27,23
4909  Oct28,23 16:06:27   H.Tan           C2     Kreutz  Oct28.23
4910  Oct29,23 03:24:50   J.Ruan        C3,C2    Kreutz  Oct29,23
4911  Oct29,23 11:08:21   H.Tan           C2     Kreutz  Oct29,23
4912  Oct30,23 11:33:11   H.Tan           C2     Kreutz  Oct30,23

Congrats to Robert for finding SOHO-4900! The next milestone is a very big one...

Note the following reports were made to the groups.io page:
SOHO-4886: Message #5760
SOHO-4887: Message #5762

Comet xc100 was a very obvious Kreutz comet, but only visible in four images, so cannot be officially confirmed. Likewise, xc101 was certainly a real Kreutz but I could only find it in three C2 images, and not at all in C3. I also cannot confirm Trygve's second fragment (report_tp_20231010090846) of 4891, or Zesheng's fragment report (report_zy_20231024104501).

As always, please email me if you think I have missed something.

This time of year gets busy, as we try and finish projects, attend end-of-year meetings, and have a few holidays in between. I will TRY to get the November confirmations done next week, and December confirmations will probably happen in early January.

One final thing: please note that the recent Marsden group comet reported on the groups page and the report page is almost certainly the (early) return of P/2002 R4 (SOHO).

As always, please email me with any questions, comments, corrections, etc.
