Date Range Search Between
Title Contributor Date Sort descending Sighting Type Comet Group Camera frames Endorsed
report_mk_20110807082206 Marek Kaluzny Potential Comet Kreutz C3 11:06 755 606
11:18 753 604
11:30 751 602
report_ss_20170605171144 Sergey Shurpakov Further to my post of... Kreutz C3 17:01 570 647
17:18 570 646
17:30 570 644
report_mb_20200930121909 Michal Biesiada Confirming comet of: Kreutz C3
report_mu_20150613223827 Masanori Uchina Potential Comet Kreutz C3 23:54 594 857
00:06 594 855
00:30 594 853
00:42 594 852
00:54 594 851
report_pb_20201115032401 Parth Bhagat Retracting my claim of: Marsden C2
report_ss_20201110142223 Sergey Shurpakov Potential Comet Kreutz C3 16:18 827 778
16:30 825 776
16:54 822 772
17:06 821 771
report_ss_20160624183916 Sergey Shurpakov Retracting my claim of: Kreutz C3
report_rb_20201117142551 Rafal Biros Potential Comet Kreutz C2 19:00 630 1023
19:12 624 1017
report_mk_20110924141918 Marek Kaluzny Potential Comet Kreutz C3 15:06 747 700
15:18 746 699
15:30 745 697
report_mk_20110912071533 Marek Kaluzny Potential Comet Kreutz C3 05:42 736 680
05:54 734 678
06:06 732 676
report_ak_20140130143057 Arkadiusz Kubczak Confirming comet of: Kreutz C3
report_mk_20110618153144 Marek Kaluzny Retracting my claim of: Kreutz C3
report_mu_20101113200348 Masanori Uchina Further to my post of... Kreutz C2 00:36 522 971
00:48 516 963
report_eb_20130531181741 Eryk Banach Confirming comet of: Kreutz C2
report_rb_20201207033619 Rafal Biros Potential Comet Kreutz C3 07:30 417 778
07:42 417 775
07:54 417 772
08:06 416 770
report_mu_20101112234704 Masanori Uchina Further to my post of... Kreutz C3 20:42 731 879
21:18 728 875
21:30 727 874
21:42 726 872
21:54 724 871
22:06 722 869
report_mk_20110625084403 Marek Kaluzny Potential Comet Kreutz C3 11:42 648 752
12:06 648 749
12:18 648 748
report_eb_20130601065341 Eryk Banach Potential Comet Kreutz C2 10:36 700 1019
10:48 702 1011
report_rb_20201231034229 Rafal Biros Potential Comet Non-Group C2 07:48 219 66
08:00 212 71
08:12 205 77
report_pb_20210315084422 Parth Bhagat Further to my post of... Non-Group C3 01:54 813 870
report_ss_20130610173612 Sergey Shurpakov Confirming comet of: Kreutz C2
report_ss_20170318064943 Sergey Shurpakov Further to my post of... Kreutz C3 10:06 227 698
report_eb_20130515072018 Eryk Banach Further to my post of... Kreutz C2 10:24 366 1019
10:36 372 1011
10:48 378 1003
11:00 383 996
11:12 389 989
report_mk_20100519225620 Marek Kaluzny Retracting my claim of: Kreutz C3
report_rb_20200801052037 Rafal Biros Potential Comet Kreutz C3 03:06 651 626
03:18 650 625
03:30 648 624
report_bw_20170313163854 Brendan Watters Potential Comet Kreutz C3 12:42 299 679
12:54 301 677
13:30 308 672
13:42 310 671
13:54 312 669
14:06 314 667
report_rb_20200803091933 Rafal Biros Further to my post of... Non-Group C2 12:12 976 294
report_gm_20160211145732 Gabriel Murawski Potential Comet Kreutz C2 19:24 72 504
19:36 80 499
19:48 87 495
report_mk_20100501063026 Marek Kaluzny Retracting my claim of: Kreutz C3
report_rb_20200622111038 Rafal Biros Correction: Kreutz C2 10:25 895 793