Confirmations for May 2024

Hi All,

Here are SOHO confirmations for May 2024.

Soho#  Date/Time of Post  Discoverer     Tel     Group   Images of...
5012  May02,24 10:29:16   J.Ruan          C2     Kreutz  May02,24
5013  May05,24 16:41:06   H.Tan           C2     Kreutz  May05,24
5014  May06,24 16:39:26   H.Tan,E.Banach  C2     Kreutz  May06,24
5015  May06,24 16:40:06   H.Tan           C2     Kreutz  May06,24
5016  May10,24 09:44:07   J.Ruan         C3,C2   Kreutz  May10-11,24
5017  May11,24 03:50:57   H.Tan          C3,C2   Kreutz  May11-12,24
5018  May14,24 03:32:14   W.Boonplod      C2     Kreutz  May14,24
5019  May17,24 8:33AM     J.Ruan         C3,C2   Kreutz  May17,24
5020  May18,24 03:40:21   H.Tan,E.Banach  C2     Kreutz  May18,24
5021  May20,24 18:02:44   W.Boonplod     C3,C2   Kreutz  May20-21,24
5022  May21,24 09:43:17   J.Ruan          C2     Kreutz  May21,24
5023  May22,24 02:43:14   E.Banach        C2     Marsden May22,24
5024  May23,24 19:53:32   H.Tan           C2     Kreutz  May23-24,24
5025  May24,24 11:57:10   Z.Yang          C2     Kreutz  May24,24
5026  May26,24 20:26:27   W.Boonplod     C3,C2   Kreutz  May26-27,24  
5027  May26,24 20:51:12   W.Boonplod     C3,C2   Kreutz  May26-27,24 
5028  May27,24 09:27:16   Z.Yang          C2     Kreutz  May27,24
5029  May29,24 04:54:06   H.Tan           C2     Kreutz  May29,24
5030  May29,24 04:41:34   H.Tan           C2     Kreutz  May29,24
5031  May29,24 00:22:37   H.Tan          C3,C2   Kreutz  May28-29,24
5032  May30,24 05:41:38   E.Banach        C2     Kreutz  May30,24
5033  May31,24 04:54:22   H.Tan           C2     Kreutz  May31,24 

*5019 = msg #5855

Note that Eryk's non-group comet (5023) is actually a Marsden-group comet (as, I believe, is the non-group comet from Jiangao couple of days ago). Rainer Kracht has determined that it is similar to 511 = 1429 = 2013/05/25, but he was unable to fully link it. Jiangao's comet may be a better fit for that; we will see in time.

As always, please email me with questions, comments, complaints, concerns, etc. Just please note that I will be on vacation for the next week, so your emails will go unanswered until I return.
