Dec 01 2009 00:31:16 | Tony Hoffman |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091201 Kreutz group comet. 0406 167 1020 0454 183 979 0506 189 966 --Tony Hoffman | Dec 01 2009 00:33:14 | Tony Hoffman |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C3; 20091128 19:25:15 --Tony Hoffman | Dec 01 2009 01:37:13 | Marek Kaluzny |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C3; 30/11/2009 17:41:05 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 01 2009 02:26:42 | Michal Kusiak |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 512x512 b/w images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091201 Kreutz group comet. 0606 336 1018 0630 334 999 --Michal Kusiak | Dec 01 2009 03:02:23 | Michal Kusiak |
Retracting my claim of: 20091201 02:26:42 --Michal Kusiak | Dec 01 2009 03:02:28 | Marek Kaluzny |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 1/12/2009 Kreutz group comet. 0606 336 1016 0630 335 997 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 01 2009 03:05:37 | Marek Kaluzny |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C2; 1/12/2009 03:02:28 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 01 2009 03:32:46 | Jiangao Ruan |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091201 Kreutz group comet. 0754 219 1021 0806 219 1010 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 01 2009 03:35:44 | Marek Kaluzny |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 1/12/2009 Kreutz group comet. 0754 217 1018 0806 218 1007 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 01 2009 04:06:20 | Marek Kaluzny |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C2; 1/12/2009 03:35:44 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 01 2009 07:34:41 | Jiangao Ruan |
Retracting my claim of: 20091201 03:32:46 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 01 2009 13:24:28 | Bo Zhou |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 512x512 b/w images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091201 Kreutz group comet. 1718 479 713 1742 478 710 1818 476 706 --Bo Zhou | Dec 01 2009 13:28:47 | Jiangao Ruan |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091201 Kreutz group comet. 1718 480 715 1742 479 710 1818 477 705 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 01 2009 13:39:47 | Jiangao Ruan |
Confirming comet of: 20091201 13:24:28 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 01 2009 14:08:54 | Arkadiusz Kubczak |
Possible fragment/companion: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009-12-01 Kreutz group comet. 17:18 484 733 17:42 483 729 18:18 482 726 18:42 481 725 --Arkadiusz Kubczak | Dec 01 2009 15:59:28 | Toni Scarmato |
Possible fragment/companion: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091201 Kreutz group comet. 1842 475 709 1942 472 703 2018 470 698 --Toni Scarmato | Dec 01 2009 16:28:52 | Giuseppe Pappa |
Known comet now entering: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091201 Kreutz group comet. 2058 223 1011 --Giuseppe Pappa | Dec 01 2009 16:38:38 | Toni Scarmato |
Further to my post of... Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091201 15:59:28 Kreutz group comet. 2018 470 698 2042 469 694 2118 468 689 --Toni Scarmato | Dec 01 2009 17:02:40 | Giuseppe Pappa |
Retracting my claim of: 20091201 16:28:52 --Giuseppe Pappa | Dec 01 2009 22:32:58 | Jiangao Ruan |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091202 Kreutz group comet. 0254 298 902 0308 298 888 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 01 2009 22:33:41 | Jiangao Ruan |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091202 Kreutz group comet. 0254 291 988 0308 288 974 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 01 2009 22:40:50 | Jiangao Ruan |
Confirming comet of: 20091202 15:59:28 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 01 2009 22:42:19 | Jiangao Ruan |
Known comet now entering: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091202 Kreutz group comet. 0254 291 978 0308 289 975 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 01 2009 22:42:51 | Jiangao Ruan |
Known comet now entering: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091202 Kreutz group comet. 0254 299 901 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 01 2009 23:09:51 | Tony Hoffman |
Potential comet: 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091202 0242 448 701 0318 450 696 0342 453 691 --Tony Hoffman | Dec 01 2009 23:49:22 | Tony Hoffman |
Possible fragment/companion: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091202 Kreutz group comet. 0406 315 1000 0430 314 988 --Tony Hoffman | Dec 01 2009 23:51:32 | Jiangao Ruan |
Possible fragment/companion: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091202 Kreutz group comet. 0406 283 935 0430 282 917 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 02 2009 00:20:16 | Adam Ambrus |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091202 5:19:00 Kreutz group comet. 0308 288 975 0330 287 958 0406 284 929 0430 282 908 0454 280 887 --Adam Ambrus | Dec 02 2009 00:53:24 | Michal Kusiak |
Further to my post of... Images: C2; 512x512 b/w images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091126 06:55:00 Kreutz group comet. 1830 291 1009 --Michal Kusiak | Dec 02 2009 01:12:13 | Jiangao Ruan |
Retracting my claim of: 20091202 23:51:32 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 02 2009 08:37:56 | Jiangao Ruan |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091202 Kreutz group comet. 1254 279 921 1331 278 892 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 02 2009 08:42:01 | Jiangao Ruan |
Correction: Images: C2; 512x512 b/w images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091102 08:37:56 Kreutz group comet. --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 02 2009 08:45:54 | Masanori Uchina |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/2 Kreutz group comet. 1254 279 919 1331 275 889 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 02 2009 08:47:51 | Masanori Uchina |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/2 08:45:54 Kreutz group comet. --Masanori Uchina | Dec 02 2009 08:55:28 | New User |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091202 051900 Kreutz group comet. --New User | Dec 02 2009 08:55:51 | New User |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091202 051900 Kreutz group comet. --New User | Dec 02 2009 09:02:22 | Michal Kusiak |
Confirming comet of: Images: C2; 20091202 08:37:56 Kreutz group comet. 1354 273 870 --Michal Kusiak | Dec 02 2009 10:07:42 | Masanori Uchina |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/2 Kreutz group comet. 1342 480 708 1418 480 701 1442 480 696 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 02 2009 10:11:48 | Toni Scarmato |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091202 Kreutz group comet. 1342 480 709 1418 480 702 1442 480 698 --Toni Scarmato | Dec 02 2009 10:41:14 | Toni Scarmato |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C3; 20091202 10:11:48 --Toni Scarmato | Dec 02 2009 11:03:59 | Arkadiusz Kubczak |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009-12-01 14:08:54 Kreutz group comet. --Arkadiusz Kubczak | Dec 02 2009 11:35:49 | Jiangao Ruan |
Further to my post of... Images: C2; 512x512 b/w images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091202 08:37:56 Kreutz group comet. 1054 290 1020 1106 288 1008 1130 286 990 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 02 2009 16:49:37 | Masanori Uchina |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C3; 2009/12/2 10:07:42 Kreutz group comet. --Masanori Uchina | Dec 03 2009 01:28:14 | Tony Hoffman |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091203 Kreutz group comet. 0142 539 853 0518 531 822 0542 530 817 --Tony Hoffman | Dec 03 2009 01:40:28 | Jiangao Ruan |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091203 Kreutz group comet. 0518 472 746 0542 471 741 0618 470 735 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 03 2009 02:11:03 | Jiangao Ruan |
Retracting my claim of: 20091203 01:40:28 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 03 2009 09:48:33 | Mr Sungrazer |
Dear All, It's time I filled you in on the status of the Sungrazer project -- specifically, the SOHO aspect of it. As you may or may not know, SOHO is now very much in a phase of 'extended operations', which essentially means it does the same thing for virtually no money. So, for example, instrument teams (e.g. LASCO) are no longer funded to analyze/study the data. There is only a small amount of funding for very basic operations. What does this mean for the Sungrazer project? I'll be blunt: it means that the project no longer has funding to continue. In the last year I have been actively pursuing funding opportunities with proposals to NASA, but with no success. I am working a last couple of possibilities but these may or may not work out, or be successful. Even if one of these do result in success, it will be several months at least before I could obtain any funds. Therefore, I am sad to say that as of now, I have no option but to put the Sungrazer project into 'hibernation'. What does this mean? It means that you can keep making reports but I will not be able to perform the confirmations or the measuring (astrometry) of new SOHO comets. For now, the website can remain active but I can not promise it will always be like that -- it depends what happens to the project in the future. I do have limited funds to work on the STEREO aspect of the comets, so I can still measure any new non-Kreutz comets found in STEREO images, keep an occasional check on the website, add 'new users' to the list, etc. I will try to volunteer some of my free time to measure any particularly interesting SOHO comets, but the order of priority will have to be (from highest to lowest priority) : non-group, non-Kreutz, 'new' Kreutz, archive Kreutz. Logistically, this will get difficult if new comets are not confirmed. We'll have to work something out there. So that's where we are. I will still be here, but you will see a lot less of me especially in relation to SOHO comets. You can, of course, continue to email me reports if the website is down. I will keep you all updated with any news that affects the project. A copy of this message has been sent to the SOHOHunter and 'STEREOHunter' groups. Best wishes, ~~Karl | Dec 03 2009 18:22:22 | Bo Zhou |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091203 Kreutz group comet. 1254 159 1014 1331 161 982 1354 166 964 1406 167 956 1430 170 941 --Bo Zhou | Dec 03 2009 19:45:33 | Bo Zhou |
Correction: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091203 18:22:22 Kreutz group comet. 1230 160 1018 1254 161 1003 1331 164 981 1354 167 965 1406 168 957 1430 170 941 --Bo Zhou | Dec 03 2009 21:51:27 | Masanori Uchina |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/4 Kreutz group comet. 0131 152 963 0154 153 946 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 03 2009 22:06:12 | Masanori Uchina |
Further to my post of... Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 21:51:27 Kreutz group comet. 0131 152 963 0154 153 946 0206 153 937 0230 153 919 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 03 2009 22:06:51 | Jiangao Ruan |
Confirming comet of: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091204 21:51:27 Kreutz group comet. 0206 154 939 0230 154 920 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 03 2009 22:29:57 | Masanori Uchina |
Further to my post of... Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 21:51:27 Kreutz group comet. 0131 152 963 0154 153 946 0206 153 937 0230 153 919 0254 154 901 0308 154 889 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 03 2009 22:46:18 | Jiangao Ruan |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091204 Kreutz group comet. 0230 238 1016 0308 236 982 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 04 2009 09:01:49 | Jiangao Ruan |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 512x512 b/w images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091204 Kreutz group comet. 1331 142 1022 1354 142 1007 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 04 2009 09:08:48 | Zhijian Xu |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 512x512 b/w images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091204 Kreutz group comet. 1354 145 1009 1406 146 995 --Zhijian Xu | Dec 04 2009 09:11:53 | Jiangao Ruan |
Further to my post of... Images: C2; 512x512 b/w images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091204 09:01:49 Kreutz group comet. 1406 146 1000 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 04 2009 09:13:05 | Jiangao Ruan |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 512x512 b/w images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091204 Kreutz group comet. 1354 230 1000 1406 230 990 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 04 2009 09:13:57 | Zhijian Xu |
Correction: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091204 09:08:48 Kreutz group comet. 1354 145 1009 1406 146 999 --Zhijian Xu | Dec 04 2009 09:36:55 | Masanori Uchina |
Confirming comet of: Images: C2; 512x512 b/w images. 2009/12/4 09:01:49 Kreutz group comet. --Masanori Uchina | Dec 04 2009 09:42:38 | Michal Kusiak |
Known comet now entering: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091204 Kreutz group comet. 1342 428 642 1418 428 637 --Michal Kusiak | Dec 04 2009 09:43:20 | Jiangao Ruan |
Known comet now entering: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091204 09:01:49 Kreutz group comet. 1342 430 642 1418 430 636 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 04 2009 10:03:09 | Masanori Uchina |
Possible fragment/companion: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/4 Kreutz group comet. 1354 139 1020 1430 137 992 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 04 2009 10:29:18 | Jiangao Ruan |
Retracting my claim of: 20091204 09:13:05 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 04 2009 10:48:49 | Masanori Uchina |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C2; 2009/12/4 10:03:09 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 04 2009 11:14:03 | Toni Scarmato |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091204 Kreutz group comet. 1342 429 642 1418 429 634 1442 429 632 --Toni Scarmato | Dec 04 2009 11:40:06 | Toni Scarmato |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091204 Kreutz group comet. 1442 445 637 1518 446 633 1619 447 626 --Toni Scarmato | Dec 04 2009 12:20:03 | Toni Scarmato |
Retracting my claim of: 20091204 11:40:06 --Toni Scarmato | Dec 04 2009 12:27:21 | Rainer Kracht |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 512x512 b/w images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009-12-04 Kreutz group comet. 1630 271 997 1654 269 977 --Rainer Kracht | Dec 04 2009 12:28:05 | Toni Scarmato |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C3; 20091204 11:14:03 --Toni Scarmato | Dec 04 2009 12:38:58 | Rainer Kracht |
Further to my post of... Images: C2; 512x512 b/w images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009-12-04 12:27:21 Kreutz group comet. 1706 269 967 --Rainer Kracht | Dec 04 2009 14:46:36 | Michal Kusiak |
Confirming comet of: Images: C2; 20091204 12:27:21 Kreutz group comet. --Michal Kusiak | Dec 04 2009 18:19:51 | Marek Kaluzny |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 4/12/2009 Kreutz group comet. 2118 461 717 2142 460 713 2218 458 706 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 04 2009 19:48:15 | Rainer Kracht |
Further to my post of... Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009-12-04 12:27:21 Kreutz group comet. 1630 271 996 1654 270 976 1706 268 967 1754 267 926 1806 266 915 1830 266 894 --Rainer Kracht | Dec 04 2009 21:31:13 | Jiangao Ruan |
Retracting my claim of: 20091204 22:46:18 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 05 2009 02:30:47 | Marek Kaluzny |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C3; 4/12/2009 18:19:51 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 05 2009 03:05:52 | Masanori Uchina |
Further to my post of... Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/4 21:51:27 Kreutz group comet. 0330 155 873 0354 157 852 0406 157 844 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 05 2009 06:05:04 | Zhijian Xu |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 512x512 b/w images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091205 Kreutz group comet. 1034 262 976 1056 261 954 --Zhijian Xu | Dec 05 2009 06:14:12 | Zhijian Xu |
Retracting my claim of: (0,0) Upper Left. 20091205 06:05:04 Kreutz group comet. --Zhijian Xu | Dec 05 2009 06:28:52 | Masanori Uchina |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/5 Kreutz group comet. 1034 120 862 1056 117 847 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 05 2009 06:53:56 | Masanori Uchina |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C2; 2009/12/5 06:28:52 Kreutz group comet. --Masanori Uchina | Dec 05 2009 08:05:39 | Zhijian Xu |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091205 Kreutz group comet. 1118 429 648 1142 428 644 1218 427 638 1242 427 634 --Zhijian Xu | Dec 05 2009 08:20:42 | New User |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091205 Kreutz group comet. 1206 475 1011 1230 476 986 1254 477 959 --New User | Dec 05 2009 09:07:16 | Zhijian Xu |
Retracting my claim of: 20091205 08:05:39 --Zhijian Xu | Dec 05 2009 09:47:45 | Masanori Uchina |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/5 Kreutz group comet. 1242 437 737 1342 437 735 1418 437 733 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 05 2009 10:11:56 | Masanori Uchina |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C3; 2009/12/5 09:47:45 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 05 2009 10:28:21 | New User |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091205 Kreutz group comet. 1406 246 1010 1508 234 982 --New User | Dec 05 2009 10:51:21 | Marek Kaluzny |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/05 Non-group comet. 1342 452 670 1418 447 670 1442 445 670 1518 441 669 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 05 2009 10:59:03 | New User |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. 20091205 10:28:21 --New User | Dec 05 2009 10:59:35 | New User |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. 20091205 08:20:42 --New User | Dec 05 2009 11:37:21 | Marek Kaluzny |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C3; 05122009 10:51:21 Non-group comet. --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 06 2009 00:20:11 | New User |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091206 Kreutz group comet. 0354 64 840 0406 70 829 0430 82 807 --New User | Dec 06 2009 03:59:59 | Bo Zhou |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091206 Kreutz group comet. 0230 254 1011 0330 252 965 0354 251 947 0406 251 938 0430 250 919 --Bo Zhou | Dec 06 2009 04:13:28 | Jiangao Ruan |
Confirming comet of: 20091206 03:59:59 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 06 2009 05:13:58 | New User |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. 20091206 --New User | Dec 06 2009 07:32:06 | Michal Kusiak |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091206 Kreutz group comet. 1044 482 807 1118 480 801 1142 479 797 --Michal Kusiak | Dec 06 2009 07:34:21 | Marek Kaluzny |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 6/12/2009 Kreutz group comet. 1044 482 806 1118 481 800 1141 480 796 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 06 2009 07:47:11 | Marek Kaluzny |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C3; 6/12/2009 07:34:21 Kreutz group comet. --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 06 2009 08:01:43 | Michal Kusiak |
Retracting my claim of: 20091206 7:32:06 --Michal Kusiak | Dec 06 2009 09:35:21 | Masanori Uchina |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/6 Kreutz group comet. 1218 419 729 1242 419 723 1342 419 717 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 06 2009 16:20:38 | Arkadiusz Kubczak |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009-12-06 Kreutz group comet. 19:42 465 831 20:18 464 825 20:42 463 823 --Arkadiusz Kubczak | Dec 06 2009 16:39:44 | Bo Zhou |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091206 Kreutz group comet. 1942 466 830 2018 465 825 2042 464 822 2118 463 817 --Bo Zhou | Dec 06 2009 16:49:19 | Masanori Uchina |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C3; 2009/12/6 09:35:21 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 06 2009 16:55:06 | Arkadiusz Kubczak |
Further to my post of... Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009-12-06 16:20:38 Kreutz group comet. 21:18 463 817 --Arkadiusz Kubczak | Dec 06 2009 17:39:35 | Bo Zhou |
Confirming comet of: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091206 16:20:38 Kreutz group comet. 2142 462 814 2218 461 809 --Bo Zhou | Dec 06 2009 20:09:31 | Bo Zhou |
Possible fragment/companion: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091206 Kreutz group comet. 2318 458 796 0018 456 788 0042 456 785 --Bo Zhou | Dec 06 2009 21:03:57 | Bo Zhou |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091207 Kreutz group comet. 0131 224 1008 0154 223 991 --Bo Zhou | Dec 06 2009 21:21:32 | Bo Zhou |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091207 Kreutz group comet. 0154 221 1004 0206 221 996 --Bo Zhou | Dec 06 2009 21:49:00 | Bo Zhou |
Retracting my claim of: 20091206 20:09:31 --Bo Zhou | Dec 06 2009 22:06:21 | Masanori Uchina |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/7 Kreutz group comet. 0230 223 960 0254 223 942 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 06 2009 22:14:57 | Bo Zhou |
Retracting my claim of: 20091206 21:21:32 --Bo Zhou | Dec 06 2009 22:23:36 | Masanori Uchina |
Further to my post of... Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/7 22:06:21 Kreutz group comet. 0230 223 960 0254 223 942 0308 224 929 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 06 2009 22:27:21 | Bo Zhou |
Further to my post of... Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091207 21:03:57 Kreutz group comet. 0131 224 1008 0154 224 991 0206 224 981 0230 224 961 0254 224 941 0308 224 929 --Bo Zhou | Dec 06 2009 22:29:46 | Masanori Uchina |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C2; 2009/12/7 22:06:21 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 06 2009 22:40:25 | Masanori Uchina |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/7 Kreutz group comet. 0142 472 824 0218 471 820 0242 470 819 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 06 2009 23:12:41 | Masanori Uchina |
Confirming comet of: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/7 21:03:57 Kreutz group comet. 0330 224 911 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 06 2009 23:28:57 | Masanori Uchina |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C3; 2009/12/7 22:40:25 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 07 2009 04:10:15 | Arkadiusz Kubczak |
Further to my post of... Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009-12-06 16:20:38 Kreutz group comet. 04:42 452 758 04:18 452 761 03:42 453 766 03:18 454 769 02:42 455 774 02:18 455 777 --Arkadiusz Kubczak | Dec 07 2009 04:12:26 | Arkadiusz Kubczak |
Further to my post of... Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009-12-06 16:20:38 Kreutz group comet. 01:42 456 782 00:42 457 790 00:18 458 793 23:18 459 801 --Arkadiusz Kubczak | Dec 07 2009 10:38:05 | Jiangao Ruan |
Possible fragment/companion: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091107 Kreutz group comet. 1418 431 674 1442 430 670 1518 429 663 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 07 2009 12:48:07 | Jiangao Ruan |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091207 Kreutz group comet. 0930 248 1014 0954 246 995 1030 247 964 1054 247 944 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 07 2009 13:22:01 | Jiangao Ruan |
Retracting my claim of: 20091207 10:38:05 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 07 2009 13:38:09 | Jiangao Ruan |
Further to my post of... Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091207 12:48:07 Kreutz group comet. 1130 246 915 1154 247 895 1206 248 883 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 07 2009 14:03:25 | Marek Kaluzny |
Possible fragment/companion: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 7/12/2009 Kreutz group comet. 1542 440 666 1644 439 656 1718 439 651 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 07 2009 17:29:36 | Rainer Kracht |
Known comet now entering: Images: C2; 512x512 b/w images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009-12-07 Kreutz group comet. 1854 206 959 --Rainer Kracht | Dec 07 2009 23:11:13 | Jiangao Ruan |
Further to my post of... Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091207 12:48:07 Kreutz group comet. 1106 247 933 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 08 2009 07:15:02 | Masanori Uchina |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 512x512 b/w images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/8 Kreutz group comet. 1154 436 63 1206 436 69 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 08 2009 07:40:37 | Masanori Uchina |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C2; 2009/12/8 07:15:02 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 08 2009 08:44:22 | Rainer Kracht |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 512x512 b/w images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009-12-08 Kreutz group comet. 1254 209 1011 1331 209 979 --Rainer Kracht | Dec 08 2009 09:01:06 | Rainer Kracht |
Retracting my claim of: 2009-12-08 08:44:22 --Rainer Kracht | Dec 08 2009 09:21:22 | Marek Kaluzny |
Retracting my claim of: 8/12/2009 14:03:25 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 08 2009 09:23:45 | New User |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091208 Kreutz group comet. 1331 377 1006 1354 375 988 --New User | Dec 08 2009 09:47:01 | Masanori Uchina |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/8 Kreutz group comet. 1354 221 998 1430 221 962 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 08 2009 09:52:32 | New User |
Confirming comet of: 20091208 09:47:01 --New User | Dec 08 2009 09:54:28 | New User |
Retracting my claim of: 20091208 09:52:32 --New User | Dec 08 2009 09:57:46 | Masanori Uchina |
Correction: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/8 09:47:01 Kreutz group comet. 1354 221 998 1430 221 962 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 08 2009 09:58:05 | New User |
Retracting my claim of: 20091208 09:23:45 --New User | Dec 08 2009 10:38:12 | Masanori Uchina |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/8 Kreutz group comet. 1418 441 695 1442 441 691 1518 441 687 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 08 2009 11:14:44 | Masanori Uchina |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 512x512 b/w images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/8 Kreutz group comet. 1554 417 58 1606 417 53 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 08 2009 11:39:08 | Masanori Uchina |
Further to my post of... Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/8 10:38:12 Kreutz group comet. 1342 441 701 1418 441 695 1442 441 691 1518 441 687 1542 441 684 1618 440 677 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 08 2009 11:44:54 | Masanori Uchina |
Further to my post of... Images: C2; 512x512 b/w images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/8 11:14:44 Kreutz group comet. 1554 417 53 1606 417 58 1630 418 68 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 08 2009 11:44:59 | Marek Kaluzny |
Confirming comet of: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 8/12/2009 10:38:12 Kreutz group comet. --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 08 2009 11:52:02 | Masanori Uchina |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C2; 2009/12/8 11:14:44 Kreutz group comet. --Masanori Uchina | Dec 08 2009 12:08:14 | Masanori Uchina |
Further to my post of... Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/8 10:38:12 Kreutz group comet. 1642 440 673 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 08 2009 13:18:25 | Marek Kaluzny |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 8/12/2009 Kreutz group comet. 1618 445 662 1442 444 658 1718 443 652 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 08 2009 14:30:48 | Marek Kaluzny |
Retracting my claim of: 8/12/2009 13:18:25 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 08 2009 15:09:33 | Rainer Kracht |
Known comet now entering: Images: C2; 512x512 b/w images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009-12-08 Kreutz group comet. 1954 197 1017 --Rainer Kracht | Dec 09 2009 06:19:41 | Masanori Uchina |
Further to my post of... Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/8 10:38:12 Kreutz group comet. 1718 440 669 1742 440 664 1818 440 658 1842 440 653 1942 439 644 2018 439 642 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 09 2009 12:11:50 | Jiangao Ruan |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091209 Kreutz group comet. 1542 463 761 1618 462 756 1642 461 752 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 09 2009 12:12:28 | Bo Zhou |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091209 Kreutz group comet. 1542 421 659 1618 421 653 1642 421 650 --Bo Zhou | Dec 09 2009 12:40:44 | Jiangao Ruan |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091209 Kreutz group comet. 1542 458 802 1618 458 797 1642 458 794 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 09 2009 13:51:56 | Marek Kaluzny |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 9/12/2009 Kreutz group comet. 1542 458 758 1618 458 753 1642 457 749 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 09 2009 15:43:52 | Marek Kaluzny |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. 9/12/2009 13:51:56 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 09 2009 22:15:08 | Masanori Uchina |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/10 Kreutz group comet. 0142 432 680 0218 432 674 0242 432 670 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 09 2009 22:24:28 | Masanori Uchina |
Further to my post of... Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/10 22:15:08 Kreutz group comet. 0142 432 680 0218 432 674 0242 432 670 0018 432 693 0042 432 689 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 09 2009 23:10:51 | Masanori Uchina |
Further to my post of... Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/10 22:15:08 Kreutz group comet. 0318 432 664 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 09 2009 23:17:10 | Bo Zhou |
Retracting my claim of: 20091209 12:12:28 --Bo Zhou | Dec 09 2009 23:19:11 | Bo Zhou |
Confirming comet of: 20091209 22:15:08 Kreutz group comet. --Bo Zhou | Dec 10 2009 00:36:22 | Bo Zhou |
Confirming comet of: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091207 12:48:07 Kreutz group comet. 1006 247 982 --Bo Zhou | Dec 10 2009 01:04:19 | Jiangao Ruan |
Known comet now entering: Images: C2; 512x512 b/w images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091210 Kreutz group comet. 0554 168 1010 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 10 2009 01:14:01 | Jiangao Ruan |
Retracting my claim of: 20091209 12:11:50 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 10 2009 01:14:14 | Jiangao Ruan |
Retracting my claim of: 20091209 12:40:44 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 10 2009 02:19:46 | Guoyou Sun |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091210 Kreutz group comet. 0630 170 979 0654 172 961 --Guoyou Sun | Dec 10 2009 04:10:56 | Jiangao Ruan |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091210 Kreutz group comet. 0742 420 727 0818 421 720 0842 421 715 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 10 2009 04:28:52 | Michal Kusiak |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091210 Kreutz group comet. 0742 427 765 0818 427 759 0842 427 755 --Michal Kusiak | Dec 10 2009 04:41:36 | Michal Kusiak |
Retracting my claim of: 20091210 04:28:52 --Michal Kusiak | Dec 10 2009 04:43:16 | Jiangao Ruan |
Retracting my claim of: 20091210 04:10:56 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 10 2009 04:45:52 | Toni Scarmato |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091210 Non-group comet. 0818 369 581 0842 372 580 0918 377 578 --Toni Scarmato | Dec 10 2009 05:07:37 | Toni Scarmato |
Retracting my claim of: 20091210 04:45:52 --Toni Scarmato | Dec 10 2009 06:37:23 | Masanori Uchina |
Further to my post of... Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/10 22:15:08 Kreutz group comet. 0342 432 661 0418 432 655 0442 432 651 0518 433 645 0542 433 641 0618 433 635 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 10 2009 10:56:22 | Masanori Uchina |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/10 Kreutz group comet. 1342 431 685 1418 431 680 1442 431 675 1518 431 667 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 10 2009 11:39:17 | Masanori Uchina |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C3; 2009/12/10 10:56:22 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 10 2009 21:55:52 | Jiangao Ruan |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091211 Kreutz group comet. 0154 186 965 0206 186 956 0230 188 935 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 10 2009 22:08:54 | Bo Zhou |
Confirming comet of: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091211 21:55:52 Kreutz group comet. 0054 182 1014 0131 183 983 --Bo Zhou | Dec 10 2009 22:45:27 | Bo Zhou |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091211 Kreutz group comet. 0142 427 746 0218 428 742 0242 428 739 0318 429 734 --Bo Zhou | Dec 10 2009 22:59:45 | Jiangao Ruan |
Further to my post of... Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091211 21:55:52 Kreutz group comet. 0254 191 914 0308 193 903 0330 194 884 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 11 2009 00:33:11 | Bo Zhou |
Retracting my claim of: 20091210 22:45:27 --Bo Zhou | Dec 11 2009 07:26:15 | Arkadiusz Kubczak |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009-12-11 Kreutz group comet. 11:30 244 1024 11:54 246 1010 --Arkadiusz Kubczak | Dec 11 2009 07:43:00 | Wentao Xu |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/11 Kreutz group comet. 1154 245 1011 1230 249 947 --Wentao Xu | Dec 11 2009 08:26:04 | Arkadiusz Kubczak |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009-12-11 Non-group comet. 11:42 532 764 12:18 527 760 12:42 524 757 --Arkadiusz Kubczak | Dec 11 2009 09:26:34 | Arkadiusz Kubczak |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. 2009-12-11 08:26:04 Non-group comet. --Arkadiusz Kubczak | Dec 11 2009 09:27:18 | Arkadiusz Kubczak |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. 2009-12-11 07:26:15 Kreutz group comet. --Arkadiusz Kubczak | Dec 11 2009 10:11:09 | Wentao Xu |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C2; 2009/12/11 07:43:00 Kreutz group comet. --Wentao Xu | Dec 11 2009 12:48:56 | Marek Kaluzny |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 11/12/2009 Kreutz group comet. 1654 345 1019 1706 345 1007 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 11 2009 12:52:39 | Marek Kaluzny |
Retracting my claim of: 11/12/2009 12:48:56 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 11 2009 19:30:22 | Giuseppe Pappa |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091211 Kreutz group comet. 2218 535 748 2318 533 739 2342 532 735 --Giuseppe Pappa | Dec 12 2009 06:40:33 | Giuseppe Pappa |
Retracting my claim of: 20091211 19:30:22 --Giuseppe Pappa | Dec 12 2009 07:16:50 | Marek Kaluzny |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 12/12/2009 Kreutz group comet. 1023 441 715 1044 440 712 1118 440 704 1142 440 701 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 12 2009 11:14:04 | Marek Kaluzny |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C3; 12/12/2009 07:16:50 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 13 2009 06:28:04 | Masanori Uchina |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/13 Kreutz group comet. 0942 424 655 1023 424 650 1044 424 644 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 13 2009 12:10:45 | Michal Kusiak |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 512x512 b/w images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091213 Kreutz group comet. 1630 143 1016 1654 146 997 --Michal Kusiak | Dec 13 2009 12:13:08 | Michal Kusiak |
Further to my post of... Images: C2; 512x512 b/w images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091213 12:10:45 Kreutz group comet. 1706 148 988 --Michal Kusiak | Dec 13 2009 13:02:23 | Michal Kusiak |
Further to my post of... Images: C2; 512x512 b/w images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091213 12:10:45 Kreutz group comet. 1730 150 968 1754 152 949 --Michal Kusiak | Dec 13 2009 13:21:01 | Marek Kaluzny |
Confirming comet of: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 13/12/2009 12:10:45 Kreutz group comet. --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 13 2009 13:24:36 | Marek Kaluzny |
Confirming comet of: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 13/12/2009 12:10:45 Kreutz group comet. 1806 155 938 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 13 2009 16:44:41 | Masanori Uchina |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C3; 2009/12/13 06:28:04 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 13 2009 17:30:27 | Masanori Uchina |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/13 Kreutz group comet. 2042 414 714 2118 414 709 2142 414 706 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 13 2009 17:58:09 | Masanori Uchina |
Further to my post of... Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/13 17:30:27 Kreutz group comet. 2042 414 714 2118 414 709 2142 414 706 1942 413 723 2018 413 718 2218 414 700 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 13 2009 18:04:41 | Jiangao Ruan |
Confirming comet of: 20091213 17:30:2 Kreutz group comet. --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 13 2009 18:33:28 | Jiangao Ruan |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091213 Kreutz group comet. 2142 382 883 2218 382 880 2318 382 874 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 13 2009 19:03:30 | Jiangao Ruan |
Retracting my claim of: 20091213 18:33:28 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 13 2009 19:15:05 | Jiangao Ruan |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091213 Kreutz group comet. 2354 72 996 0006 74 990 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 13 2009 19:19:45 | Jiangao Ruan |
Correction: Images: C2; 512x512 b/w images. 20091213 19:15:05 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 13 2009 19:41:22 | Jiangao Ruan |
Retracting my claim of: 20091213 19:15:05 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 13 2009 22:31:34 | Masanori Uchina |
Further to my post of... Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/13 17:30:27 Kreutz group comet. 1842 413 732 2318 415 691 2342 415 687 0018 415 682 0042 416 678 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 13 2009 23:57:09 | Jiangao Ruan |
Known comet now entering: Images: C2; 512x512 b/w images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091214 Kreutz group comet. 0430 109 1020 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 14 2009 01:35:13 | Michal Kusiak |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091214 Kreutz group comet. 0518 391 782 0542 392 778 0618 393 772 --Michal Kusiak | Dec 14 2009 02:06:01 | Michal Kusiak |
Retracting my claim of: 20091214 01:35:13 --Michal Kusiak | Dec 14 2009 03:37:58 | Arkadiusz Kubczak |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009-12-14 Kreutz group comet. 06:18 389 760 06:42 391 757 07:42 393 748 --Arkadiusz Kubczak | Dec 14 2009 05:10:14 | Masanori Uchina |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/14 Kreutz group comet. 0818 413 762 0842 413 759 0942 413 752 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 14 2009 05:57:20 | Masanori Uchina |
Further to my post of... Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/14 17:30:27 Kreutz group comet. 0218 418 663 0242 418 660 0318 419 654 0342 419 650 0418 420 644 0442 421 640 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 14 2009 05:59:09 | Masanori Uchina |
Further to my post of... Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/14 17:30:27 Kreutz group comet. 0518 422 634 0542 422 630 0618 424 624 0642 424 620 0742 428 609 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 14 2009 08:52:36 | Marek Kaluzny |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 14/12/2009 Kreutz group comet. 0818 426 789 0842 426 785 0942 426 776 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 14 2009 09:47:37 | Masanori Uchina |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C3; 2009/12/14 05:10:14 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 14 2009 11:01:14 | Marek Kaluzny |
Retracting my claim of: 14/12/2009 08:52:36 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 14 2009 11:07:06 | Jiangao Ruan |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091214 Kreutz group comet. 1418 419 683 1442 419 679 1518 419 673 1542 419 668 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 14 2009 13:58:51 | Arkadiusz Kubczak |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C3; 2009-12-14 03:37:58 Kreutz group comet. --Arkadiusz Kubczak | Dec 14 2009 15:41:53 | Marek Kaluzny |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 14/12/2009 Non-group comet. 1518 592 635 1542 592 639 1620 592 644 1642 592 648 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 14 2009 16:21:13 | Giuseppe Pappa |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091214 Kreutz group comet. 2030 165 1016 2054 167 1000 --Giuseppe Pappa | Dec 14 2009 17:09:20 | Giuseppe Pappa |
Retracting my claim of: 20091214 16:21:13 --Giuseppe Pappa | Dec 14 2009 17:13:25 | Giuseppe Pappa |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091214 Kreutz group comet. 2130 103 1015 2154 107 1002 --Giuseppe Pappa | Dec 14 2009 17:23:19 | Marek Kaluzny |
Retracting my claim of: 14/12/2009 15:41:53 Non-group comet. --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 14 2009 17:33:58 | Marek Kaluzny |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 14/12/2009 Kreutz group comet. 2042 422 646 2118 422 640 2142 422 637 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 14 2009 21:31:26 | Masanori Uchina |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/14 Kreutz group comet. 2118 414 706 2142 414 700 2218 415 693 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 15 2009 01:02:43 | Jiangao Ruan |
Retracting my claim of: 20091214 11:07:06 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 15 2009 02:41:18 | Marek Kaluzny |
Retracting my claim of: 14/12/2009 17:33:58 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 15 2009 06:05:02 | Giuseppe Pappa |
Retracting my claim of: 20091214 17:13:25 --Giuseppe Pappa | Dec 15 2009 11:17:14 | Bo Zhou |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091215 Kreutz group comet. 1508 130 979 1530 133 960 --Bo Zhou | Dec 15 2009 11:29:50 | Bo Zhou |
Further to my post of... Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091215 11:17:14 Kreutz group comet. 1508 130 979 1530 133 960 1554 136 942 1606 138 932 --Bo Zhou | Dec 15 2009 11:47:38 | Marek Kaluzny |
Confirming comet of: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 15/12/2009 11:17:14 Kreutz group comet. 1606 137 931 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 15 2009 14:40:44 | Toni Scarmato |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091215 Kreutz group comet. 1718 420 682 1818 423 677 1842 424 675 --Toni Scarmato | Dec 15 2009 14:59:03 | Toni Scarmato |
Retracting my claim of: 20091215 14:40:44 --Toni Scarmato | Dec 15 2009 16:40:31 | Marek Kaluzny |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 15/12/2009 Kreutz group comet. 2018 442 744 2042 442 739 2118 442 733 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 15 2009 17:17:29 | Giuseppe Pappa |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091215 Kreutz group comet. 2042 478 739 2118 479 734 2142 479 730 --Giuseppe Pappa | Dec 15 2009 18:13:23 | Masanori Uchina |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C3; 2009/12/14 21:31:26 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 16 2009 01:30:10 | Bo Zhou |
Known comet now entering: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091215 11:17:14 Kreutz group comet. 0918 419 688 0942 419 685 1020 420 679 1042 420 676 1118 421 670 1142 421 667 --Bo Zhou | Dec 16 2009 02:42:32 | Marek Kaluzny |
Retracting my claim of: 15/12/2009 16:40:31 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 16 2009 04:08:29 | Jiangao Ruan |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091216 Kreutz group comet. 0742 422 672 0818 422 667 0842 422 664 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 16 2009 05:02:15 | Jiangao Ruan |
Retracting my claim of: 20091216 04:08:29 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 16 2009 09:06:16 | New User |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091216 Kreutz group comet. 05:54 14 584 06:06 19 584 06:30 21 585 06:54 27 586 07:31 36 588 --New User | Dec 16 2009 10:11:02 | Giuseppe Pappa |
Retracting my claim of: 20091215 17:17:2 --Giuseppe Pappa | Dec 17 2009 07:56:25 | Zhijian Xu |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091217 Kreutz group comet. 0908 111 1022 0930 116 1011 1054 133 972 --Zhijian Xu | Dec 17 2009 08:37:23 | Zhijian Xu |
Retracting my claim of: 20091217 07:56:25 --Zhijian Xu | Dec 17 2009 09:02:42 | New User |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091217 Kreutz group comet. 1730 9 832 1754 17 812 --New User | Dec 17 2009 09:22:18 | Zhijian Xu |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 512x512 b/w images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091217 Kreutz group comet. 1354 61 983 1406 63 975 --Zhijian Xu | Dec 17 2009 09:35:10 | New User |
Correction: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091216 Kreutz group comet. 1730 9 830 1754 17 812 1806 21 803 1830 29 783 1854 38 765 --New User | Dec 17 2009 09:58:32 | Zhijian Xu |
Correction: 20091217 09:22:18 --Zhijian Xu | Dec 17 2009 10:01:02 | Zhijian Xu |
Retracting my claim of: 20091217 09:22:18 Kreutz group comet. --Zhijian Xu | Dec 17 2009 10:16:54 | Rainer Kracht |
Confirming comet of: Images: C2; 512x512 b/w images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009-12-17 09:22:18 Kreutz group comet. 1430 67 955 1508 75 927 --Rainer Kracht | Dec 17 2009 10:31:14 | Jiangao Ruan |
Confirming comet of: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091217 09:02:42 Kreutz group comet. 1931 54 734 1954 65 717 2006 71 710 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 17 2009 10:40:37 | Eryk Banach |
Confirming comet of: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/17 09:02:42 Meyer group comet. --Eryk Banach | Dec 17 2009 10:41:29 | Bo Zhou |
Confirming comet of: 20091217 09:35:10 Kreutz group comet. --Bo Zhou | Dec 17 2009 11:21:05 | Zhijian Xu |
Further to my post of... Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091217 09:22:18 Kreutz group comet. 1430 68 955 1454 75 937 1508 76 928 1530 81 911 1554 86 893 --Zhijian Xu | Dec 17 2009 11:30:00 | Masanori Uchina |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/17 Kreutz group comet. 1442 369 760 1518 370 755 1542 371 752 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 17 2009 11:37:03 | Michele T. Mazzucato |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091217 13:42 379 738 14:42 382 734 15:42 383 728 --Michele T. Mazzucato | Dec 17 2009 12:07:04 | Bo Zhou |
Known comet now entering: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091217 Kreutz group comet. 0131 82 998 0154 86 982 0206 88 974 0230 92 956 0254 96 937 0308 98 927 --Bo Zhou | Dec 17 2009 12:10:26 | Wentao Xu |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/17 Kreutz group comet. 1634 50 934 1657 53 914 --Wentao Xu | Dec 17 2009 12:11:26 | Michele T. Mazzucato |
Retracting my claim of: 20091217 11:37:03 --Michele T. Mazzucato | Dec 17 2009 13:19:12 | Bo Zhou |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091217 Kreutz group comet. 1634 21 948 1657 27 932 --Bo Zhou | Dec 17 2009 13:24:55 | Wentao Xu |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C2; 2009/12/17 12:10:26 Kreutz group comet. --Wentao Xu | Dec 17 2009 17:01:59 | Masanori Uchina |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C3; 2009/12/17 11:30:00 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 17 2009 18:01:18 | Masanori Uchina |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/17 Kreutz group comet. 1634 9 933 1654 16 921 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 17 2009 22:59:41 | Jiangao Ruan |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091218 Kreutz group comet. 0206 53 975 0230 62 956 0254 71 937 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 18 2009 00:14:03 | Jiangao Ruan |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091218 Kreutz group comet. 0042 392 672 0142 394 662 0218 394 656 0242 395 652 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 18 2009 06:23:42 | Jiangao Ruan |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091218 Kreutz group comet. 1830 65 973 1854 73 954 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 18 2009 06:24:47 | Jiangao Ruan |
Correction: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091217 06:23:42 Kreutz group comet. --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 18 2009 06:31:25 | Bo Zhou |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091217 Meyer group comet. 1931 562 141 1954 579 120 2006 586 109 --Bo Zhou | Dec 18 2009 06:37:46 | Bo Zhou |
Further to my post of... Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091217 06:31:25 Meyer group comet. 1830 520 201 1854 537 177 2112 632 52 2133 646 36 2155 660 20 2206 667 12 --Bo Zhou | Dec 18 2009 06:38:12 | Jiangao Ruan |
Confirming comet of: 20091218 06:31:25 Meyer group comet. --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 18 2009 06:45:21 | Jiangao Ruan |
Retracting my claim of: 20091218 06:23:42 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 18 2009 07:00:25 | Jiangao Ruan |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091218 Kreutz group comet. 1054 94 792 1106 97 782 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 18 2009 07:05:56 | Bo Zhou |
Retracting my claim of: 20091217 13:19:12 --Bo Zhou | Dec 18 2009 07:17:07 | Masanori Uchina |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C2; 2009/12/17 18:01:18 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 18 2009 07:40:56 | Jiangao Ruan |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091218 Kreutz group comet. 1130 52 969 1154 55 950 1206 58 939 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 18 2009 08:09:10 | Jiangao Ruan |
Correction: Images: C2; 20091218 07:40:56 Kreutz group comet. --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 18 2009 08:59:34 | Jiangao Ruan |
Further to my post of... Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091218 07:40:56 Kreutz group comet. 1130 51 967 1154 56 949 1206 58 940 1230 63 921 1254 69 902 1331 80 871 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 18 2009 09:24:54 | Jiangao Ruan |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091218 Kreutz group comet. 1230 39 918 1254 45 897 1331 55 867 1354 62 849 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 18 2009 10:25:44 | Jiangao Ruan |
Further to my post of... Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091218 09:24:54 Kreutz group comet. 1154 34 949 1206 36 938 1406 66 838 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 18 2009 11:16:59 | Angel L. van Delden |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091218 Kreutz group comet. 14:06 124 869 14:30 130 860 --Angel L. van Delden | Dec 18 2009 11:27:45 | Jiangao Ruan |
Retracting my claim of: 20091218 07:00:25 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 18 2009 11:30:29 | Jiangao Ruan |
Retracting my claim of: 20091218 00:14:03 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 18 2009 12:00:33 | Angel L. van Delden |
Retracting my claim of: 20091218 Kreutz group comet. --Angel L. van Delden | Dec 18 2009 13:49:41 | Angel L. van Delden |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091218 Kreutz group comet. 1654 81 890 1706 88 886 --Angel L. van Delden | Dec 18 2009 17:19:02 | Rainer Kracht |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009-12-18 Non-group comet. 0830 773 341 0908 808 321 0930 825 308 --Rainer Kracht | Dec 18 2009 17:26:06 | Rainer Kracht |
Retracting my claim of: 2009-12-18 17:19:02 Non-group comet. --Rainer Kracht | Dec 18 2009 19:35:08 | Giuseppe Pappa |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091218 Kreutz group comet. 2354 16 940 0006 19 934 --Giuseppe Pappa | Dec 18 2009 19:45:56 | Giuseppe Pappa |
Retracting my claim of: 20091218 19:35:08 --Giuseppe Pappa | Dec 19 2009 09:07:28 | Angel L. van Delden |
Retracting my claim of: 20091218 13:49:41 --Angel L. van Delden | Dec 21 2009 20:17:38 | Giuseppe Pappa |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091222 Kreutz group comet. 00:06 78 943 00:30 80 919 00:54 80 896 --Giuseppe Pappa | Dec 22 2009 01:50:53 | Zhijian Xu |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091222 Kreutz group comet. 0054 37 951 0131 45 926 --Zhijian Xu | Dec 22 2009 07:39:43 | Wentao Xu |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 512x512 b/w images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/22 Kreutz group comet. 1206 45 981 1230 50 964 --Wentao Xu | Dec 22 2009 08:01:56 | Wentao Xu |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C2; 2009/12/22 07:39:43 Kreutz group comet. --Wentao Xu | Dec 22 2009 08:52:26 | Zhijian Xu |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091222 Kreutz group comet. 1254 53 967 1331 61 936 --Zhijian Xu | Dec 22 2009 09:23:50 | Zhijian Xu |
Retracting my claim of: 20091222 08:52:26 Kreutz group comet. --Zhijian Xu | Dec 22 2009 10:39:19 | Jiangao Ruan |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091222 Kreutz group comet. 1454 17 923 1508 18 912 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 22 2009 10:43:55 | Jiangao Ruan |
Retracting my claim of: 20091222 10:39:19 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 22 2009 12:17:31 | Zhijian Xu |
Retracting my claim of: 20091222 01:50:53 --Zhijian Xu | Dec 22 2009 12:27:30 | Bo Zhou |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091222 Kreutz group comet. 1654 18 938 1706 22 929 --Bo Zhou | Dec 22 2009 15:55:51 | Bo Zhou |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091222 Kreutz group comet. 2006 16 848 2030 25 829 --Bo Zhou | Dec 22 2009 17:50:56 | Bo Zhou |
Retracting my claim of: 20091222 12:27:30 --Bo Zhou | Dec 22 2009 18:03:57 | Bo Zhou |
Further to my post of... Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091222 15:55:51 Kreutz group comet. 1931 03 875 1954 12 857 2006 16 848 2030 25 829 2058 38 807 --Bo Zhou | Dec 22 2009 18:39:38 | Rainer Kracht |
Confirming comet of: 2009-12-22 15:55:51 --Rainer Kracht | Dec 23 2009 17:53:58 | Masanori Uchina |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/20 Kreutz group comet. 0154 34 949 0206 38 940 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 23 2009 17:57:28 | Masanori Uchina |
Further to my post of... Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/20 17:53:58 Kreutz group comet. 0154 34 949 0206 38 940 0230 44 922 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 23 2009 19:00:24 | Rainer Kracht |
Possible fragment/companion: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009-12-20 Kreutz group comet. 0154 33 951 0206 37 943 0230 43 925 --Rainer Kracht | Dec 23 2009 19:05:08 | Rainer Kracht |
Confirming comet of: 2009-12-23 17:53:58 Kreutz group comet. --Rainer Kracht | Dec 23 2009 19:07:02 | Rainer Kracht |
Further to my post of... Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009-12-23 19:00:24 Kreutz group comet. 0330 60 879 0354 67 861 0406 70 851 0430 79 832 --Rainer Kracht | Dec 23 2009 19:19:51 | Rainer Kracht |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009-12-23 Kracht group comet. 0930 842 354 0954 872 356 1034 923 360 --Rainer Kracht | Dec 23 2009 19:26:30 | Rainer Kracht |
Further to my post of... Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009-12-23 19:19:51 Kracht group comet. 0908 814 352 1056 950 362 1106 963 363 1130 991 366 1154 1020 369 --Rainer Kracht | Dec 23 2009 23:21:51 | Bo Zhou |
Confirming comet of: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009-12-20 19:19:51 Kracht group comet. 0908 815 352 0930 843 354 0954 874 357 1034 924 360 --Bo Zhou | Dec 23 2009 23:53:33 | Bo Zhou |
Known comet now entering: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009-12-19 Kreutz group comet. 2318 398 653 2342 399 649 0018 401 643 0042 402 639 0142 404 630 --Bo Zhou | Dec 24 2009 01:45:44 | Michal Kusiak |
Confirming comet of: Images: C2; 20091223 19:00:24 Kreutz group comet. --Michal Kusiak | Dec 24 2009 07:41:11 | Marek Kaluzny |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 24/12/2009 Kreutz group comet. 1154 53 970 1206 59 960 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 24 2009 07:45:30 | Bo Zhou |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091224 Kreutz group comet. 1042 349 833 1118 350 827 1142 351 823 1218 352 817 --Bo Zhou | Dec 24 2009 07:45:57 | Marek Kaluzny |
Retracting my claim of: 24/12/2009 07:41:11 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 24 2009 08:05:26 | Bo Zhou |
Retracting my claim of: 20091224 07:45:30 --Bo Zhou | Dec 24 2009 08:46:20 | Giuseppe Pappa |
Retracting my claim of: 20091221 20:17:38 --Giuseppe Pappa | Dec 24 2009 11:46:03 | Wentao Xu |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 512x512 b/w images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/25 Kreutz group comet. 1607 2 927 1633 12 908 --Wentao Xu | Dec 24 2009 11:54:24 | Wentao Xu |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C2; 512x512 b/w images. 2009/12/25 11:46:03 Kreutz group comet. --Wentao Xu | Dec 25 2009 01:27:01 | Masanori Uchina |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/25 Kreutz group comet. 0142 365 706 0518 379 660 0542 381 656 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 25 2009 01:34:04 | Masanori Uchina |
Further to my post of... Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/25 01:27:01 Kreutz group comet. 0618 383 651 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 25 2009 01:55:42 | Michal Kusiak |
Confirming comet of: Images: C3; 20091225 01:27:01 Kreutz group comet. 0642 384 648 --Michal Kusiak | Dec 25 2009 02:51:22 | Bo Zhou |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091225 Kreutz group comet. 0630 06 803 0654 23 794 0731 47 776 --Bo Zhou | Dec 25 2009 07:10:32 | Bo Zhou |
Known comet now entering: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091225 Kreutz group comet. 0930 04 926 1130 50 818 --Bo Zhou | Dec 25 2009 07:18:51 | Masanori Uchina |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/25 Kreutz group comet. 1130 49 817 1154 60 798 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 25 2009 07:29:08 | Masanori Uchina |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C2; 2009/12/25 07:18:51 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 25 2009 08:27:36 | Masanori Uchina |
Further to my post of... Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/25 01:27:01 Kreutz group comet. 0442 377 665 0618 383 651 0642 385 647 0742 389 636 0818 391 632 0842 393 628 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 25 2009 08:51:53 | Bo Zhou |
Known comet now entering: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009-12-20 Kracht group comet. 0908 815 352 0930 843 354 0954 874 357 1034 924 360 --Bo Zhou | Dec 25 2009 09:00:08 | Rainer Kracht |
Correction: 2009-12-20 Kracht group comet. --Rainer Kracht | Dec 25 2009 09:28:36 | Zhijian Xu |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 512x512 b/w images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091225 Kreutz group comet. 1354 5 919 1406 7 908 --Zhijian Xu | Dec 25 2009 09:46:42 | Zhijian Xu |
Retracting my claim of: 20091225 09:28:36 --Zhijian Xu | Dec 25 2009 10:00:45 | Bo Zhou |
Correction: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091225 07:10:32 Kreutz group comet. 0954 08 895 1006 13 885 1030 23 866 1130 50 818 --Bo Zhou | Dec 25 2009 10:08:15 | Bo Zhou |
Retracting my claim of: 20091225 02:51:22 --Bo Zhou | Dec 25 2009 11:24:00 | Alicja Krzyzak |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009 12 25 1:54 344 717 2:06 323 667 --Alicja Krzyzak | Dec 25 2009 11:53:17 | Marek Kaluzny |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 25/12/2009 Kreutz group comet. 1418 367 675 1442 368 670 1518 370 665 1542 371 661 1618 371 655 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 25 2009 22:34:35 | Bo Zhou |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091226 Kreutz group comet. 0142 360 706 0218 362 701 0242 363 698 --Bo Zhou | Dec 26 2009 02:39:32 | Michal Kusiak |
Confirming comet of: Images: C3; 20091225 22:34:35 Kreutz group comet. 0318 364 694 0418 366 686 0442 367 682 --Michal Kusiak | Dec 26 2009 03:43:12 | Marek Kaluzny |
Retracting my claim of: 25/12/2009 11:53:17 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 26 2009 04:33:46 | Alicja Krzyzak |
Retracting my claim of: 2009 12 25 11:24 --Alicja Krzyzak | Dec 26 2009 05:03:27 | Bo Zhou |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091226 Kreutz group comet. 0142 296 885 0218 297 882 0242 297 880 0318 298 877 --Bo Zhou | Dec 26 2009 06:19:34 | Michal Kusiak |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091226 Kreutz group comet. 0418 296 872 0442 298 868 0318 292 881 1044 310 825 --Michal Kusiak | Dec 26 2009 06:26:01 | Michal Kusiak |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C3; 20091226 06:19:34 --Michal Kusiak | Dec 26 2009 06:26:58 | Michal Kusiak |
Confirming comet of: Images: C3; 20091226 05:03:27 Kreutz group comet. 1044 310 825 1118 311 820 --Michal Kusiak | Dec 26 2009 06:52:26 | Marek Kaluzny |
Confirming comet of: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 26/12/2009 05:03:27 Kreutz group comet. 0418 298 870 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 26 2009 07:33:16 | Arkadiusz Kubczak |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009-12-26 Kreutz group comet. 11:18 228 908 11:42 230 906 12:18 234 901 --Arkadiusz Kubczak | Dec 26 2009 07:39:29 | Zhijian Xu |
Known comet now entering: Images: C2; 512x512 b/w images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091226 Kreutz group comet. 1230 4 875 --Zhijian Xu | Dec 26 2009 08:12:13 | Marek Kaluzny |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 25/12/2009 Kreutz group comet. 1044 390 627 1118 392 621 1142 394 618 1242 400 608 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 26 2009 08:21:33 | Masanori Uchina |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/26 Kreutz group comet. 1142 357 722 1218 359 718 1242 360 715 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 26 2009 08:36:31 | Bill Collins |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 512x512 images. (0,0) Lower Left. 20091226 07:35 12:06 63 465 12:30 6746 --Bill Collins | Dec 26 2009 09:01:45 | Michal Kusiak |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 512x512 b/w images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091226 Kreutz group comet. 1331 4 877 1354 10 860 --Michal Kusiak | Dec 26 2009 10:22:37 | Masanori Uchina |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C3; 2009/12/26 08:21:33 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 26 2009 10:47:29 | Michal Kusiak |
Retracting my claim of: 20091226 09:01:45 --Michal Kusiak | Dec 26 2009 15:01:45 | Marek Kaluzny |
Retracting my claim of: 26/12/2009 08:12:13 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 26 2009 20:09:33 | Masanori Uchina |
Possible fragment/companion: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/26 Kreutz group comet. 2342 341 725 0018 343 720 0042 344 717 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 27 2009 01:22:12 | Zhijian Xu |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091227 Kreutz group comet. 0418 301 853 0518 305 842 0542 307 838 --Zhijian Xu | Dec 27 2009 02:06:32 | Zhijian Xu |
Retracting my claim of: 20091227 01:22:12 Kreutz group comet. --Zhijian Xu | Dec 27 2009 05:09:59 | Bo Zhou |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091227 Kreutz group comet. 0742 290 929 0818 291 924 0842 292 920 0918 293 915 --Bo Zhou | Dec 27 2009 05:35:18 | Arkadiusz Kubczak |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C3; 2009-12-26 07:33:16 Kreutz group comet. --Arkadiusz Kubczak | Dec 27 2009 06:50:11 | Marek Kaluzny |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 27/12/2009 Kreutz group comet. 0818 816 782 0842 819 779 1044 821 770 1118 824 763 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 27 2009 07:12:46 | Bo Zhou |
Retracting my claim of: 20091227 05:09:59 --Bo Zhou | Dec 27 2009 08:39:46 | Michal Kusiak |
Known comet now entering: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009127 Kreutz group comet. 1331 3 836 --Michal Kusiak | Dec 27 2009 10:26:38 | Masanori Uchina |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C3; 2009/12/26 20:09:33 --Masanori Uchina | Dec 27 2009 11:44:28 | Marek Kaluzny |
Retracting my claim of: 27/12/2009 06:50:11 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 28 2009 08:26:55 | Bo Zhou |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091228 Kreutz group comet. 1142 295 800 1218 297 796 1242 299 791 --Bo Zhou | Dec 28 2009 08:48:27 | Rainer Kracht |
Confirming comet of: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009-12-28 08:26:55 Kreutz group comet. 0742 275 836 0818 276 832 0842 277 829 --Rainer Kracht | Dec 28 2009 18:51:04 | Rainer Kracht |
Correction: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009-12-28 08:48:27 Kreutz group comet. 0942 288 816 1020 290 811 1042 291 808 1118 293 803 --Rainer Kracht | Dec 28 2009 21:38:08 | Bo Zhou |
Possible fragment/companion: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091229 Kreutz group comet. 0018 343 690 0042 345 686 0142 350 675 --Bo Zhou | Dec 28 2009 23:28:22 | Bo Zhou |
Possible fragment/companion: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091229 Kreutz group comet. 0218 356 668 0242 358 664 0318 362 658 0342 364 654 --Bo Zhou | Dec 29 2009 01:01:08 | Michal Kusiak |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091229 Kreutz group comet. 0318 358 662 0342 360 657 0418 363 651 0442 365 647 --Michal Kusiak | Dec 29 2009 01:08:29 | Michal Kusiak |
Further to my post of... Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091229 01:01:08 Kreutz group comet. 0518 371 640 --Michal Kusiak | Dec 29 2009 01:18:39 | Michal Kusiak |
Further to my post of... Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091229 01:01:08 Kreutz group comet. 0542 373 635 --Michal Kusiak | Dec 29 2009 02:30:47 | Bo Zhou |
Possible fragment/companion: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091229 Kreutz group comet. 0318 365 652 0342 368 648 0418 372 640 0442 374 636 0518 379 630 0618 386 619 --Bo Zhou | Dec 29 2009 02:44:36 | Bo Zhou |
Further to my post of... Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091228 21:38:08 Kreutz group comet. 0218 354 669 0242 356 665 0318 359 661 0342 361 657 0418 364 650 0442 366 646 --Bo Zhou | Dec 29 2009 02:50:55 | Zhijian Xu |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091229 Kreutz group comet. 0654 9 778 0731 33 757 --Zhijian Xu | Dec 29 2009 03:05:13 | Zhijian Xu |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091229 Kreutz group comet. 0618 240 828 0642 242 822 0742 250 814 --Zhijian Xu | Dec 29 2009 03:20:59 | Zhijian Xu |
Retracting my claim of: 20091229 02:50:55 --Zhijian Xu | Dec 29 2009 03:40:55 | Zhijian Xu |
Retracting my claim of: 20091229 03:05:13 --Zhijian Xu | Dec 29 2009 03:44:02 | Zhijian Xu |
Known comet now entering: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091229 Kreutz group comet. 0806 3 823 --Zhijian Xu | Dec 29 2009 04:06:14 | Bo Zhou |
Retracting my claim of: 20091229 02:30:47 --Bo Zhou | Dec 29 2009 04:07:13 | Bo Zhou |
Retracting my claim of: 20091228 23:28:22 --Bo Zhou | Dec 30 2009 06:17:47 | Michal Kusiak |
Retracting my claim of: 20091229 01:01:08 --Michal Kusiak | Dec 30 2009 11:11:45 | Jiangao Ruan |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091230 Kreutz group comet. 1442 358 696 1518 361 690 1542 362 687 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 30 2009 20:45:24 | Jiangao Ruan |
Retracting my claim of: 20091230 11:11:45 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 31 2009 05:57:11 | Marek Kaluzny |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 31/12/2009 Kreutz group comet. 0818 286 665 0842 288 661 0918 290 656 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 31 2009 05:58:53 | Bo Zhou |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091231 Non-group comet. 0142 276 613 0218 276 608 0242 275 606 0318 274 601 0342 274 598 --Bo Zhou | Dec 31 2009 13:01:40 | Marek Kaluzny |
Retracting my claim of: 31/12/2009 05:57:11 --Marek Kaluzny | Dec 31 2009 14:09:29 | Jiangao Ruan |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091231 Non-group comet. 1754 19 636 1808 29 621 1830 45 596 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 31 2009 14:10:14 | Bo Zhou |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091231 Kreutz group comet. 1754 18 635 1806 29 619 1830 44 597 --Bo Zhou | Dec 31 2009 14:18:34 | Bo Zhou |
Confirming comet of: Images: C2; 20091231 14:09:29 Meyer group comet. --Bo Zhou | Dec 31 2009 15:23:13 | Jiangao Ruan |
Potential comet: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091231 Kreutz group comet. 1819 341 708 1842 343 705 1918 347 697 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 31 2009 15:24:31 | Jiangao Ruan |
Correction: Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091231 15:23:13 Kreutz group comet. 1819 341 708 1842 343 705 1942 347 697 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 31 2009 16:00:09 | Jiangao Ruan |
Further to my post of... Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091231 14:09:29 Meyer group comet. 1854 62 569 1931 91 528 1954 108 502 --Jiangao Ruan | Dec 31 2009 16:31:40 | Wentao Xu |
Potential comet: Images: C2; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/31 Kreutz group comet. 1130 5 397 1154 9 388 1206 11 384 --Wentao Xu | Dec 31 2009 16:32:13 | Wentao Xu |
Correction: Images: C2; 512x512 b/w images. (0,0) Upper Left. 2009/12/31 16:31:40 Kreutz group comet. 1130 5 397 1154 9 388 1206 11 384 --Wentao Xu | Dec 31 2009 17:09:03 | Wentao Xu |
Retracting my claim of: Images: C2; 512x512 b/w images. 2009/12/31 16:31:40 Kreutz group comet. --Wentao Xu | Dec 31 2009 18:10:38 | Jiangao Ruan |
Further to my post of... Images: C3; 1024x1024 images. (0,0) Upper Left. 20091231 15:23:13 Kreutz group comet. 2122 355 683 2143 356 680 2218 358 675 --Jiangao Ruan |